Whole Community
Community Preparedness
Emergency Planning for People with Access and Functional Needs
Focuses on inclusive emergency planning and emphasizes the need for a plan that covers all members of the community.
We Succeed or Fail Together
ADA Coordinator Conference
- 25 Commandments for Disability Inclusion and Universal Accessibility Before, During and After Disasters - Strategies for optimizing resources for achieving inclusive emergency planning with your community rather than for them.
- Capacity-Building Toolkit for including Aging and Disability Networks in Emergency Planning - A resource to guide the aging and disability networks in increasing their ability to plan for and respond to public health emergencies and disasters by HHS.
- White Paper: Local offices of emergency management and preparedness for people with disabilities: Region 9 - A cross-sectional, anonymous survey conducted in 2018.
- Tips for Effectively Communicating with the Whole Community in Disasters - Guidance to state and local governments and other federally assisted recipients engaged in emergency preparedness, response, mitigation, and recovery activities.
- Emergency Preparedness for Children with Special Needs - Steps to help prepare for an emergency or disaster with a child’s special health care needs or disability in mind.
- emPOWER Job Aid - The HHS emPOWER Map gives every public health official, emergency manager, hospital, first responder, electric company, and community member the power to discover the electricity-dependent Medicare population in their state, territory, county, and ZIP Code.
- A Guide for Including People with Disabilities in Disaster Preparedness Planning - The Connecticut Developmental Disabilities Network's guide to assist people involved in preparedness planning at the municipal and regional levels. It also contains information that will be useful to individuals with disabilities and families in the appendices.
- Powering Readiness Through Partnerships: Disaster Planning for California Hospitals - The California Hospital Association's combined guidelines and best practices for emergency planning for individuals with disabilities and at-risk populations.
- Enhancing Public Health Emergncy Preparedness for Special Needs Populations - The Rand Health Initiative's toolkit to enable state and local public health planners to account for special needs populations in their emergency preparedness efforts.
- Your Action Planning Guide for Promoting Full Community Participation Among People with Disabilities - Kansas University Center for Community Health and Development's resource for independent living centers and other community-based initiatives.
- An Inclusive Guide for People with Access and Functional Needs, 2016 - The Montana Disability and Health Program's guide to promote the involvement and safety of persons with access and functional needs during emergency preparedness, action, and recovery.
- Montgomery County, MD's Emergency Operations Plan, 2017 - A best practice for jurisdictional plans including diverse population and access and functional needs planning (Section K).
- ADA Recovery from the Recent Disasters, 2018 - A webinar series from Pacific ADA and FEMA regarding geographical impacts and disability.
- ADA Best Practices Tool Kit for State and Local Governments - Website resource that references basic ADA statue and regulations for local and state jurisdictions.
- GetADA Accesible: Accessibility Compliance for Dummies, Understanding ADA Standards - Website resource that offers best practices for accessibility compliance for websites.
- ADA Guide for Local Governments_Accessible Programs - U.S. Department of Justice, a guide to making community emergency preparedness and response programs accessible to people with disabilities.
- U.S. Dept of Justice, Tips & Tools for Reaching LEP Communities in Emergency Prep, Response and Recovery, 2016 - U.S. Department of Justice, a compilation of tips and promising practices intended to serve as a starting point for incorporating language access considerations into disaster management plans.
- ORISE Populations with Special Needs, 2006 - CSEPP research to examine the issues and policies related to special populations when an emergency involves a protective action recommendation such as evacuating or sheltering-in-place.
- Checklist for Integrating People with Disabilities, 2014 - Western University of Health Sciences, a guide for emergency planners, managers, responders, and public information officers who have responsibility for developing, maintaining, testing, delivering and revising emergency plans and services.
- DHS Tips for Effectively Communicating with the Whole Community in Disasters - Website resource that offers tips for effective communication to help jurisdictions meet their obligations to carry out their disaster related activities in a non-discriminatory manner.
- Language Guidelines for Inclusive Emergency Management - FEMA's Office of Disability Integration and Coordination provides language guidelines when referring to people with disabilities, people who may be disproportionately impacted during a disaster, and other with access and functional needs.
- Moving Beyond "Special Needs" - Western University & University of Montana's function based framework for Emergency Management and Planning.
- ADA Coordinator Training - Includes in-person, online, and webinar training on a multitude of aspects of the ADA – one of which is emergency preparedness, but there are many with wide applications.
- Training Program: My Safety, My Responsibility, My Plan - A multi-session program to train adults with intellectual disabilities to understand and to be prepared for emergencies from the Westchester Insititute for Human Development.
- FILLABLE - "Training Program: My Safety, My Responsibility, My Plan" - A multi-session program to train adults with intellectual disabilities to understand and to be prepared for emergencies from the Westchester Insititute for Human Development.
- Alabama Caregiver Training: Emergency Preparedness for People with Special Needs - A FEMA project that provides tips and worksheets for caregivers to conduct self-assessments, establish a Help Network, and build an emergency preparedness kit for indivduals with disabilities.